04/09/18 Fishing Report
School is still in session and there are PLENTY of fish around. Larger groups are still scattered throughout the marsh but do tend to move around as they experience pressure from anglers. The sun has been out and temps have been warming up so we've seen more and more boats on the water searching for fish. Play nice, practice proper angler etiquette and let everyone have some fun out there!
For successful fly patterns, it's hard to go wrong with a black clouser with gold/copper flash. Depending on the water depth I'll go between lead eyes or bead chain. Now that some of our tides are starting to creep up in the higher numbers, fish are being found in the grass so something a bit more stealthy (not so heavy) is working best there. Don't be afraid to throw some crab patterns, it's not exactly fiddler time but that doesn't mean a redfish won't be looking for a tasty crab cake snack! More natural colors are still working as well and even throwing plenty of chartreuse because "if it ain't chartreuse, it ain't no use" right?
In the world of spin fishing, jerk shad and paddle tails are working, however on some of the more pressured groups of fish they may be more inclined to eat something a little more realistic, like a hunk of bait on a Carolina rig. As the water temps continue to rise, we are seeing more and more action on topwater also. Don't be afraid to bomb a topwater out there and watch the chase!
There is also the spring albie run, which has started for sure. This won't last to long so take advantage of it while they're here because the next time that really heats up will be this fall. Follow the birds, watch for busting baits and make a cast and hold on. Fly casting doesn't have to be pretty for this, just get the fly in the water and strip, strip, strip! Small clousers in white are working wonders and a sinking or intermediate line helps but is not necessary by any means.
I hope you all get to enjoy some time out on the water! Soon enough it will be time for tailers in the grass and that's what I'm looking forward to!