The Search Continues...

It's a driving force that's prevalent in everyone, the driving force to find something new, to explore the unknown, to discover something fascinating.  Since the beginning of man, we have been exploring, searching and documenting our adventures.  Whether it be trying to locate the "New World" or the push to explore the West, trek over glacial crevices that drop hundreds or thousands of feet into the dark abyss or even to just see what's on the other side of the hill, we are curious creatures who are hardly satisfied. 


I may not be Lewis OR Clark, but that desire to set out and explore still shines bright for me.  I've done my fair share of traveling throughout my lifetime and I plan to explore much, much more.  During those times that I can't just hop on a plane and travel off into this great world, I spend my days and nights on Google Maps making plans, strategic moves in a specific section of marsh that may hold that next trophy, the next happy client, the next memory.

Any angler will tell you they would rather have a group of hungry fish to themselves then to be in a combat fishing environment.  The only way to ensure that is to push yourself to explore the unknown to you, take the path less traveled and see what's out there.  This winter has been full of a lot of exploring for me.  Many days of poling a skiff wondering if I'll even be able to get out of where I was when the tide fell out, thinking to myself "Did I bring an extra jacket?  Is there enough water and peanut butter M&M's for me to survive?  Is there any TP in the boat bag?".  You know, the important questions that come up in moments of curiosity.  Some days have been a complete bust, nothing but a headache, fried nerves and cold and muddy feet.  Other days however, have been filled with smiles and slimy hands, empty beer cans and sore hands from so many high fives with friends.  It's those moments, those memories that keep us pushing, keep us wanting more.  


With each outing, I've told myself that I'll explore at least one new spot, just to see if there's the next school of hundreds of redfish hiding from every skiff in the area.  I keep my maps and my journals updated, game plans are made well in advance, praying that the tide will hold up for that secret spot I'm planning on going to.  The fly box is stocked to the brim, waters are loaded in the cooler. rods are rigged and there's plenty of snacks and TP ready for the trip, the search continues...

Andrew McDougald